A team comprised of skilled
and talented individuals.

Our small team environment allows us to be nimble and to adapt quickly to industry trends, new technologies and client requirements. Rather than “feeding the machine” , we are particular about the projects we work on, selecting projects that we can commit 110% effort to, and that are a good fit for our team.

The Boss


Pure Industries Team Member

Strategist / MBA


Pure Industries Team Member

Developer & Designer


Pure Industries Team Member



Pure Industries Team Member

Photo / Video


our specialties

01 Branding

Logo design, complete identity packages, and brand standard’s development are our areas of expertise.

02 Web Design

A website is a staple of any business and our business is designing, building and maintaining websites.

03 Marketing

We can handle any aspect of the marketing proccess. From social media management to email ad campaigns.

04 Graphic Design

We cover things as simple as a social media images to complex design solutions for websites and print.

web development marketing branding graphic design
web development marketing branding graphic design
graphic design branding marketing web development
graphic design branding marketing web development
web development marketing branding graphic design
web development marketing branding graphic design
Gear Icon

Research & Strategize

We’re both thinkers and doers. There’s no point in planning something until every avenue is explored. So, in this case, we’re also explorers.

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Conceptualize & Wireframe

Every project needs a great blueprint. Our planning process is transparent & ensures that your project is a success with no surprises (the bad ones anyways).

Pen Icon

Design & Develop

Hopefully by now you know that we absolutely LOVE to design. The only thing we love MORE than designing is watching all our efforts come to fruition.

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Implement & Analyze

We cook up a lot of crazy ideas and once implemented we analyze and tweak to ensure that we’re cooking with fire, AKA we’re delivering results.

Fueled by creativity and driven by process.